New Years Day Special — The 6 key tips to turn your failures from 2020 into success for 2021


Learn here the top 6 tips to turn your 2020 failures into success for 2021

Successful people have two areas of focus: the present moment and creating the future that they desire. When you have setbacks, it’s easy to stay in the past, beat yourself up over your shortcomings and lose track of what you want for your life.

The problem is that most people don’t know what to do when they fail.

The truly successful rely on their ability to act, despite facing obstacles and difficulties. When things aren’t going well, it’s easy to “take it easy” and to not be “hard on yourself,” like conventional wisdom tells you to do. To recover from failure, you have to act now and then keep going with the knowledge that enough actions taken will turn into the future you want.

You’ve got to turn yourself into a hungry dog on the back of the meat truck. The dog doesn’t care what happened in the past, they’re obsessively focused on what they need to do to get their next meal.

How do you respond to failure?

Failures and disappointments can cause fear — may be about your ability to make money, to be a role model for your kids or to make your family proud of your success and accomplishments. While successful people embrace fear and discomfort and take steps that are closest to their goals.

When you encounter any failures, here’s how to cope it with success:

1. Write down your goals and don’t reduce them

How do you know if you have the right goal? Your goals have to be more valuable than the risk or you have determined the wrong target.

Ask yourself what you have to do to become the name people think of for your area of expertise. This exercise will help you create a list of targets that will make your stretch goals a reality.

Just because something didn’t work in the past doesn’t mean you should minimise your goals. It means that your actions were either wrong or not at massive, 10X levels.

2. Don’t get lost in the details

When your goals are massive, it’s easy to get lost in the “how to’s” and the “can not’s.” Don’t let the mechanics derail you from hitting your targets.

You’re not going to know how you will get the results you want right away. Don’t let the fact that you’re unsure of exactly how to get it done be the reason that you don’t take action.

3. Move closer to your goals right now

Success is incremental. There are no guaranteed outcomes; it’s up to you to remind yourself that you can make it happen.

Take steps toward the summit at any pace you can muster. Slow gets you closer to the top than just sitting around the campfire wondering what to do next.

4. Take the actions you can

Your opinions and feelings about what you’re doing are not important right now. They are probably responsible for why you are where you are and why you may feel stuck. Understand that, when you keep pushing forward, something will result.

5. Don’t judge too early

You won’t know right away if your actions are the right ones to take. Suspend your judgement and keep moving. Remember, fear is a barometer of proper actions. If something terrifies you, that is probably the thing that you should do.

Afraid of speaking? Get up and talk in front of some people. That’s how the right actions will reveal themselves to you.

6. Review your goals every day

You’ve got to stay focused on what you want to create, not on avoiding past mistakes. Keep your goals in front of you. Write them down every day in the morning, at night and after a disappointment. You’ll notice that what is important will keep coming back and what is not will drop off.

The “how” behind creating the outcome that you want will materialise in new opportunities that you haven’t previously considered. Keep in mind that your awareness of these opportunities will not be there unless you focus on massive goals every day.

Commit first and figure out the rest later

Clarify the right-sized targets and avoid overwhelming yourself with technicalities, then let the target determine which actions would make your goal a reality.

If you feel overwhelmed by what you have to do and what you don’t know how to do, it’s normal.

Remember, you’ll never have all the answers, your timing will never be perfect, and there will always be obstacles and difficulties to overcome. Failures are just the universe testing your perseverance and ability to adapt to reach your true potential.

But remember, the well-known saying “It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failures.”

About Mike Coady

Mike Coady is an expat expert based in Dubai and is on hand to help with all of the above and more.

Mike is an award-winning money coach and industry leader in the financial sector.

Qualified to UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) standards, a member of the Chartered Insurance Institute, a Fellow of the Institute of Sales Management (FISM), a Fellow of the Institute of Directors (FIoD), and featured as a highly qualified Financial Adviser in Which Financial Adviser.

To learn how to choose a great financial adviser, download our free guide.

Blog published by Mike Coady.



Mike Coady — Financial Coach in Dubai
Mike Coady — Financial Coach in Dubai

Written by Mike Coady — Financial Coach in Dubai

Qualified to UK FCA standards, a member of the CII, a Fellow of the ISM, a Fellow of IoD, and a highly qualified Financial Adviser in Which Financial Adviser.

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