COVID’s Financial Lessons and Retirement Planning

In this thought-provoking snippet, we explore the stark contrast between the immediate financial adjustments many made during the COVID-19 pandemic and the often-overlooked urgency of retirement planning.

Despite facing significant salary deductions across the UAE and Middle East, families came together, communicated openly, and made necessary sacrifices to navigate through the economic challenges presented by the pandemic.

Why is it that we can rally our families to overcome immediate financial hurdles, yet often fall short of taking decisive action when it comes to retirement planning? Let’s delve into the mindset shifts and strategies that can make a difference.


Join me as we dissect these intriguing dynamics and lay out a roadmap for leveraging our pandemic-induced financial acumen towards achieving a secure retirement.

#RetirementSavings #FinancialPlanning #COVID19Lessons #PersonalFinance



Mike Coady — Financial Coach in Dubai

Qualified to UK FCA standards, a member of the CII, a Fellow of the ISM, a Fellow of IoD, and a highly qualified Financial Adviser in Which Financial Adviser.